Global Resilient Watersheds Network (RWN)

Resilient Watersheds
4 min readJun 24, 2020


Providing tools, trainings, technical assistance, and resources to protect and restore watersheds globally.

About the Resilient Watersheds Network (RWN)

TNC’s Resilient Watersheds team aims to mainstream nature-based solutions (NbS) in the water sector and among climate adaptation actors to ensure investment in nature is on par with that of grey infrastructure. make. By partnering with early adopters like the French Development Agency (AFD) and AB InBev, TNC is making the business case for nature. Together, we’re building a coalition of stakeholders committed to the health of our freshwater ecosystems and mobilizing funding to sustain watershed conservation long into the future.
The scale of the opportunity is too big to ignore. Consider this: shifting just 1% of water sector spending to nature-based solutions could eclipse all philanthropic spending on conservation. Combined.
Getting there requires a global shift in the way we value nature and design our water infrastructure.
The Resilient Watersheds Network (Network) is a service offering from The Nature Conservancy designed to accelerate that shift. By sharing and disseminating best-practice knowledge and resources, the Network aims to help practitioners scale and establish high-quality NbS projects that improve water security and create an equitable, resilient future for people and biodiversity.

The Network is designed to support practitioners and investors via,

1. The Resilient Watersheds Toolbox: this online website hosts leading resources and tools developed by The Nature Conservancy and partners, including guidance, online learning modules, and case studies.

2. Bespoke Trainings: customizable for partners and their clients, these trainings are designed to raise awareness of NbS, how projects are developed, and provide 1:1 coaching to help teams move their projects forward.

3. Quarterly Webinars: highlighting the most highly requested topics identified in the annual member survey, these webinars showcase tools, resources, and practical case studies with ample opportunity for questions and discussion.

4. Technical Assistance: Network members receive first notice of the Nature for Water Facility’s (N4W) annual Call for Proposals, and an open line of support to answer questions about the application process. N4W is a technical assistance facility designed to support local champions through the process of developing watershed investment programs.

5. Peer to Peer connection: facilitate connections between practitioners and investors working to tackle similar water security challenges. We are also considering a potential future offering to matchmake coaching and mentorship opportunities.

The Network Community

The Resilient Watersheds Network (formerly the Water Funds Network) has over 500 global members consisting of stakeholders across the water sector, including NGOs/civil society, corporations, financiers, governments, utilities, regulators, and academia. As such, members offer wide-ranging expertise that the Network strives to highlight via the Toolbox, quarterly webinars, and trainings.

As a Network member, we hope you’ll take the opportunity to contribute to this growing knowledge base by,

- Collaborating to produce discrete products such as case studies, factsheets, and guidance.

- Sharing your expertise by presenting on a quarterly webinar or signing up to host a training.

- Providing peer review or offering advice to others navigating the project development cycle.

- Sharing project updates, achievements, and opportunities with the Network

- Providing feedback through the Annual Survey to shape the Network’s priorities over the next year.

Sign Up
Membership sign-up is easy (and free!), and you will immediately have access to webinars, newsletters, online/virtual trainings, member recognition programs, peer learning & review, collaboration opportunities, knowledge products — and more. Interested in receiving news and updates from the Resilient Watersheds Network?

Sign up below by scanning the QR code below! It takes less than a minute to join, and you can opt out at any time.


For more information about the Resilient Watersheds Network, contact: Florence Mugi, Resilient Watersheds Network Manager, The Nature Conservancy. Email:

Sign-up at or click below.


“Para Aquafondo, ser parte de la Red de Fondos de Agua y contar con espacios de intercambio de conocimiento nos ha permitido fortalecer nuestro liderazgo, posicionarnos como un fuerte articulador y generar alianzas estratégicas con el sector privado. Este enfoque integral no solo ha consolidado nuestra capacidad para gestionar los recursos hídricos de manera eficiente, sino que también nos ha establecido como un modelo sólido y exitoso con un enorme potencial para ser replicado y adaptado por otros fondos de agua a nivel global.”
— Mariella Sánchez
Directora Ejecutiva Aquafondo



Resilient Watersheds

The Nature Conservancy is one of the world's largest conservation organisations. Water security is amongst our top priorites-follow this account to know more.